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Scarlett Johansson ‘quickly killed’ Black Widow’s sexy costume

Scarlett Johansson discussed a costume idea for “Captain America: Winter Soldier” that was “quickly killed” in a recent interview. Natasha Romanoff…

What was Andrew Garfield's greatest achievement?

During an exclusive interview with ET, Andrew Garfield revealed that he walked into a movie theater without anyone noticing, along with Tobey Magui…

How powerful is Hela?

Powerful enough to make Thanos look like your high school bully. And I’m not exaggerating, despite both Hela and Thanos being  Galactic Warlords , th…

Why didn’t Hulk put on a good fight in the beginning of Infinity War with Thanos?

Of course Hulk tried his best to put on a good fight against Thanos. But all he did was just carry Thanos back a bit by surprise. Hulk did land som…

What are some commonly accepted double standards?

Remember this scene from  Captain America: The First Avenger ? When Peggy is mad at Steve, but he is oblivious, and in his usual good-natured way, …

Which Avenger do you think still remembers Peter Parker, and why?

There are only two possible candidates. There is Scarlet Witch. Who is a magician, and a telepath, and is fracturing reality all by herself. On a f…
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